Have a question about a home or want to talk about selling yours? Or, if you have any other questions or comments, then feel free to e-mail or call using any of the information below. You will get a response as quickly as possible.Mitch PetersBroker of Record
Phone: 916-836-3500916-836-3500 Direct: 916-628-4005916-628-4005 E-mail: mitch@EmpyreanRealEstate.comEmpyrean Real Estate
4704 Roseville RD, STE 114 North Highlands, CA 95660 US Fax:916-836-5850 Licensed Real Estate Broker01961654 | NMLS 1218280Mitch Peters
Empyrean Real Estate
Ph: 916-836-3500Fax:916-836-5850
4704 Roseville RD, STE 114
North Highlands, CA 95660 US
Licensed Real Estate Broker 01961654 | NMLS 1218280
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